Results for 'A. A. McConnell'

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  1.  39
    Roswell, Hanger 84.A. A. McConnell - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):528-528.
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    Children's informed consent to treatment: the Scottish dimension.A. A. McConnell - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (3):186-187.
  3. A Russian.A. McCONNELL - 1964
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    Wishing with dice.R. A. McConnell, R. J. Snowdon & K. F. Powell - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (4):269.
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  5. Keys to the Encounter. A Library of Congress resource Guide for the Study of the Age of Discovery.L. De Vorsey & A. McConnell - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (3):299-300.
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    Auditory driving of the autonomic nervous system: Listening to theta-frequency binaural beats post-exercise increases parasympathetic activation and sympathetic withdrawal.Patrick A. McConnell, Brett Froeliger, Eric L. Garland, Jeffrey C. Ives & Gary A. Sforzo - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The Need for Dialogical Encounter: An Account of Christian Parents' Making Decisions on Behalf of Their Severely Handicapped Child.T. M. McConnell & R. A. McConnell - 2014 - Christian Bioethics 20 (3):376-389.
  8.  42
    Investigating how implementation intentions improve non-focal prospective memory tasks.Rebekah E. Smith, Melissa D. McConnell Rogers, Jennifer C. McVay, Joshua A. Lopez & Shayne Loft - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27 (C):213-230.
  9. Book Reviews-Biographies-King of the Clinicals: The Life and Times of JJ Hicks (1837-1916).Anita McConnell & A. B. Davis - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (4):461.
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  10. 'Catalogue des appareils d'oceanographie en collection au Musee oceanographique de Monaco', parts 3-5.Christian Carpine & A. McConnell - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (1):87-92.
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    A Brief History of Geomagnetism and a Catalog of the Collection of the National Museum of American History. Robert P. Multhauf, Gregory Good.Anita Mcconnell - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):611-612.
  12. Moral Dilemmas and Consistency in Ethics.Terrance C. McConnell - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):269 - 287.
    A moral dilemma is a situation in which an agent ought to do each of two actions, Both of which he cannot do. If there are genuine moral dilemmas, The ethical theorist is presented with a problem: he must reject several very plausible principles of standard deontic logic. The main reasons usually given to show that there are moral dilemmas are examined, And it is argued that they are not sufficient. Several positive arguments are then presented, Arguments which try to (...)
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  13. Clinical Practice, Science, and the Unconscious.Douglas McConnell & Neil Pickering - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (1):1-7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.1 (2005) 1-7 [Access article in PDF] Clinical Practice, Science, and the Unconscious Douglas McConnell Neil Pickering Keywords psychotherapy, cognitive science, neuroscience, computational view of mind. This volume of Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology is devoted to questions about the unconscious mind. The philosophical complexities and difficulties associated with the unconscious are many and, despite widespread confusion and disagreement as to the nature of the (...)
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    The scientific life of William Scoresby Jnr, with a catalogue of his instruments and apparatus in the Whitby Museum.Anita McConnell - 1986 - Annals of Science 43 (3):257-286.
    William Scoresby Jnr spent the first years of his working life as a whaler, and then became an ordained minister of the Church of England. His early writings on the environment of the Greenland Sea gained him a reputation as an Arctic scientist. In the later part of his life he turned to the investigation of magnetism as it concerned the ship's compass, trying to find the best form of needle, and how the compass was affected by the magnetism of (...)
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  15. Meaning and grammar: an introduction to semantics.Gennaro Chierchia & Sally McConnell-Ginet - 2000 - Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. Edited by Sally McConnell-Ginet.
    This self-contained introduction to natural language semantics addresses the majortheoretical questions in the field. The authors introduce the systematic study of linguistic meaningthrough a sequence of formal tools and their linguistic applications. Starting with propositionalconnectives and truth conditions, the book moves to quantification and binding, intensionality andtense, and so on. To set their approach in a broader perspective, the authors also explore theinteraction of meaning with context and use (the semantics-pragmatics interface) and address some ofthe foundational questions, especially in connection (...)
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  16.  27
    UK doctors’ strikes 2023: not only justified but, arguably, supererogatory.Doug McConnell & Darren Mann - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):152-156.
    The 2023 doctors’ strikes in the UK have elicited a familiar moral outcry that such strikes are morally wrong. We consider five arguments that might be thought to show doctors’ strikes are morally impermissible but show that they all fail. The most we can conclude from such arguments is that doctors’ strikes are morally permissible in a narrower range of circumstances than strikes in other sectors.We then outline two independent but compatible justifications for doctors’ strikes, one that appeals to doctors’ (...)
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  17.  59
    Balancing the duty to treat with the duty to family in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.Doug McConnell - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):360-363.
    Healthcare systems around the world are struggling to maintain a sufficient workforce to provide adequate care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staffing problems have been exacerbated by healthcare workers (HCWs) refusing to work out of concern for their families. I sketch a deontological framework for assessing when it is morally permissible for HCWs to abstain from work to protect their families from infection and when it is a dereliction of duty to patients. I argue that it is morally permissible for HCWs (...)
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  18.  54
    Narrative, addiction, and three aspects of self-ambiguity.Doug McConnell & Anna Golova - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (1):66-85.
    ABSTRACT‘Self-ambiguity’, we suggest, is best understood as an uncertainty about how strongly a given feature reflects who one truly is. When this understanding of self-ambiguity is applied to a view of the self as having both essential and shapable components, self-ambiguity can be seen to have two aspects: (1) uncertainty about one's essential or relatively unchangeable characteristics, e.g. one's sexuality, and (2) uncertainty about how to shape oneself, e.g. which values to commit to, actions to pursue, or essential features to (...)
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  19. ‘Why is Latin spectrum a bad translation of Epicurus’ ΕΙΔΩΛΟΝ? Cicero and Cassius on a point of philosophical translation’.Sean McConnell - 2019 - Mnemosyne 72 (1):154-162.
    This paper examines two letters between Cicero and Gaius Cassius Longinus in which they critically discuss and denigrate the translation of Epicurus’ term εἴδωλον as spectrum by an Epicurean named Catius. It first offers a new positive account for why Catius made his choice of translation, and it then outlines the full reasons for why Cicero and Cassius found the translation unsatisfying.
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    Lacan, Science and Determinism.Douglas McConnell & Grant Gillett - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (1):83-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.1 (2005) 83-85 [Access article in PDF] Lacan, Science, and Determinism Douglas McConnell Grant Gillett Keywords Lacan, the unconscious, free will Van Staden And Hinshelwood's commen-taries raise a number of issues, but there are two particular themes common to both that we pick up in this response.The first theme concerns the reconcilability of Lacanian theory to the disciplines of analytic philosophy and "Anglo-American positivist (...)
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  21. Genetic Enhancement, Human Nature, and Rights.T. Mcconnell - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (4):415-428.
    Authors such as Francis Fukuyama, the President's Council on Bioethics, and George Annas have argued that biotechnological interventions that aim to promote genetic enhancement pose a threat to human nature. This paper clarifies what conclusions these critics seek to establish, and then shows that there is no plausible account of human nature that will meet the conditions necessary to support this position. Appeals to human nature cannot establish a prohibition against the pursuit of genetic enhancement.
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    INTERVIEW: In Their Words: A Living History of the Brown Decision.Judith Lynne Mcconnell & Blythe F. Hinitz - 2005 - Educational Studies 37 (1):77-82.
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    Photochemical degradation of a silicate in the beam of the electron microscope.J. D. C. Mcconnell - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (168):1195-1202.
  24.  37
    Public reason in justifications of conscientious objection in health care.Doug McConnell & Robert F. Card - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (5):625-632.
    Current mainstream approaches to conscientious objection either uphold the standards of public health care by preventing objections or protect the consciences of health‐care professionals by accommodating objections. Public justification approaches are a compromise position that accommodate conscientious objections only when objectors can publicly justify the grounds of their objections. Public justification approaches require objectors and assessors to speak a common normative language and to this end it has been suggested that objectors should be required to cast their objection in terms (...)
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    Narrative self-constitution and vulnerability to co-authoring.Doug McConnell - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (1):29-43.
    All people are vulnerable to having their self-concepts shaped by others. This article investigates that vulnerability using a theory of narrative self-constitution. According to narrative self-constitution, people depend on others to develop and maintain skills of self-narration and they are vulnerable to having the content of their self-narratives co-authored by others. This theoretical framework highlights how vulnerability to co-authoring is essential to developing a self-narrative and, thus, the possibility of autonomy. However, this vulnerability equally entails that co-authors can undermine autonomy (...)
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  26.  38
    Plato’s Critique of Antisthenes on Pleasure and the Good Life.Sean McConnell - 2015 - Ancient Philosophy 35 (2):329-349.
    The anonymous anti-hedonists at Philebus 44a–53c make three bold claims: (1) there are in fact no such things as pleasures; (2) what the hedonist followers of Philebus call pleasure is really nothing but escape from pain; (3) there is nothing healthy in pleasure (pleasure is never a good). These anti-hedonists are commonly identified with Speusippus, Plato’s nephew and his successor as head of the Academy. In this paper I first argue that this widely favoured view should be rejected. I then (...)
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    Supporting collaboration in Collaborative Research.Patricia W. Barnes-McConnell - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (2):52-61.
    Numerous evaluations of the Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) have documented CRSP contributions to food production and availability with impacts valued in the millions of dollars in developing countries as well as in the US. These reports emphasized collaboration as a critical factor in the success that emanated from CRSP research and training. Real collaboration among males and females across disciplinary, national, ethnic, cultural, and language differences is not easy. This review of CRSP experiences in building productive collaborations gives (...)
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    A principle‐based framework for disclosing a psychosis risk diagnosis.Oliver Y. Zhang, Doug McConnell, Adrian Carter & Jonathan Pugh - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (2):171-182.
    In recent decades, researchers have attempted to prospectively identify individuals at high risk of developing psychosis in the hope of delaying or preventing psychosis onset. These psychosis risk individuals are identified as being in an ‘At-Risk Mental State’ (ARMS) through a standardised psychometric interview. However, disclosure of ARMS status has attracted criticism due to concerns about the risk–benefit ratio of disclosure to patients. Only approximately one quarter of ARMS patients develop psychosis after three years, raising concerns about the unnecessary harm (...)
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    Lucretius and Civil Strife.Sean McConnell - 2012 - Phoenix 66:97-121.
    I reconstruct the Epicurean philosophical position on civil strife and examine Lucretius’ engagement with the topic against it. I challenge the scholarly consensus and argue that there is in fact no compulsion to explain Lucretius’ concern with civil strife by appeal to a preoccupation with contemporary events.
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  30.  55
    Lacan for the Philosophical Psychiatrist.Douglas McConnell & Grant Gillett - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (1):63-75.
    Lacan, despite being largely ignored and misunderstood in Anglo-American analytic philosophy, brings psychoanalytic theory into close contact with the philosophy of mind and psychiatry as illuminated by the continental tradition. He draws on Freud, phenomenology, existentialism, and structuralism to construct a subtle theoretical approach to the psyche according to which our engagement in discourse and our existence in the world combine to generate a many layered structure of meanings and influences that forms us. This allows him to focus on the (...)
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    The Concept of the Positron: A Philosophical Analysis.J. McConnell - 1963 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 12:313-314.
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    The Importance of Self-Narration in Recovery from Addiction.Doug McConnell & Anke Snoek - 2018 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 25 (3):31-44.
    Addiction involves a chronic deficit in self-governance that treatment aims to restore. We draw on our interviews with addicted people to argue that addiction is, in part, a problem of self-narrative change. Over time, agents come to strongly identify with the aspects of their self-narratives that are consistently verified by others. When addiction self-narratives become established, they shape the addicted person’s experience, plans, and expectations so that pathways to recovery appear implausible and feel alien. Therefore, the agent may prefer to (...)
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  33.  65
    Gratitude, Rights, and Moral Standouts.Terrance McConnell - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (2):279-293.
    Many maintain that if a beneficiary has a right to a benefit provided by his benefactor, then the former cannot owe the latter gratitude for that benefit. In this paper I argue against that view. I provide examples in which benefactors provide others with benefits to which they have a right even though most others are denying them that right. These benefactors are moral standouts; they do what is right when most similarly situated agents fail to do so. I then (...)
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  34.  58
    Inalienable Rights: The Limits of Consent in Medicine and Law.Terrance C. McConnell - 2000 - Oup Usa.
    McConnell presents the unusual and distinctive argument that inalienable rights differ from other types of rights in that, rather than restraining the behaviour of others, inalienable rights seem to put limits on the possessors themselves, because even the possessor's consent does not justify others in encroaching on them. He offers a full account of what it means for a right to be inalienable, distinguishing them from other kinds of rights in the contexts of moral and political issues in medicine (...)
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  35.  30
    Gender, Sexuality, and Meaning: Linguistic Practice and Politics.Sally McConnell-Ginet - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Preface and acknowledgments -- Prelude -- 1. Gender, sexuality, and meaning: An overview -- Part I. Politics and scholarship: 2. Language and gender -- 3. Feminism in linguistics -- 4. Difference and language: A linguist's perspective -- Part II. Social practice, social meanings, and selves: 5. Communities of practice: Where language, gender, and power all live -- 6. Intonation in a man's world -- 7. Constructing meaning, constructing selves: Snapshots of language, gender, and class from Belten High -- Part III. (...)
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  36. Due Secoli di Strumenti Geomagnetici in Italia (1740-1971).M. Basso Ricci, L. Cafarella, A. Meloni, P. Tucci & A. McConnell - 1998 - Annals of Science 55 (3):327.
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  37. How Kant might explain ugliness.Sean McConnell - 2008 - British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (2):205-228.
    A number of recent studies have claimed to explain how Kant can or cannot accommodate pure judgements of ugliness in his aesthetic theory. In this paper I critically review the arguments on each side of the debate and then develop a new account of how Kant might explain the pure judgement of the ugly, namely, by appeal to the quickening of the faculties in their harmonious free play. Some implications and applications of such an explanation are then explored, including a (...)
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  38.  21
    Assessing Public Reason Approaches to Conscientious Objection in Healthcare.Doug McConnell - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics.
    Sometimes healthcare professionals conscientiously refuse to treat patients despite the patient requesting legal, medically indicated treatments within the professionals’ remit. Recently, there has been a proliferation of views using the concept of public reason to specify which conscientious refusals of treatment should be accommodated. Four such views are critically assessed, namely, those of Robert Card, Massimo Reichlin, David Scott, and Doug McConnell. This paper argues that McConnell’s view has advantages over the other approaches because it combines the requirement (...)
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    Inapt gratitude: against expansionist views.Terrance McConnell - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 4 (1):91-108.
    Psychologists and philosophers have written much about gratitude recently. Many of these contributions have endorsed expansionist views of gratitude, counseling agents to feel and express gratitude in many circumstances. I argue that the essential features of the moral norm of gratitude are that a beneficiary acknowledges and appreciates benefits provided by another who is acting from beneficence, and is disposed to provide a comparable benefit to the benefactor if a suitable occasion arises. The best-known philosophical version of expansionist views claims (...)
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    The Inalienable Right to Withdraw from Research.Terrance McConnell - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (4):840-846.
    Consent forms given to potential subjects in research protocols typically contain a sentence like this: “You have a right to withdraw from this study at any time without penalty.” If you have ever served on an institutional review board or a research ethics committee, you have no doubt read such a sentence often. Moreover, codes of ethics governing medical research endorse such a right. For example, paragraph 24 of the Declaration of Helsinki says, “The subject should be informed of the (...)
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  41.  40
    Confidentiality and the law.T. McConnell - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (1):47-49.
    Codes of medical ethics issued by professional organizations typically contain statements affirming the importance of confidentiality between patients and health-care practitioners. Seldom, however, is the confidentiality obligation depicted as absolute. Instead, exceptions are noted, the most common of which is that health-care professionals are justified in breaching the confidence of a patient if required by law to do so. Reasons that might be given to support this exception are critically discussed in this paper. The conclusion argued for is that this (...)
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  42. The nature and basis of inalienable rights.Terrance McConnell - 1984 - Law and Philosophy 3 (1):25 - 59.
    This paper has two purposes. One is primarily (but not exclusively) conceptual and the other is normative. The first aim is to say what inalienable rights are. To explain this, inalienable rights are contrasted with the notions of forfeitable rights and absolute rights. A recent novel analysis of inalienable rights by Feinberg is explained and criticized. The first task is concluded by discussing what duties inalienable rights imply. The second aim is to see what moral principles, if any, justify designating (...)
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  43. The ambiguity about death in Japan: an ethical implication for organ procurement.J. R. McConnell - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (4):322-324.
    In the latter half of the twentieth century, developed countries of the world have made tremendous strides in organ donation and transplantation. However, in this area of medicine, Japan has been slow to follow. Japanese ethics, deeply rooted in religion and tradition, have affected their outlook on life and death. Because the Japanese have only recently started to acknowledge the concept of brain death, transplantation of major organs has been hindered in that country. Currently, there is a dual definition of (...)
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  44.  35
    The Model of Voting in Cicero’s Best State.Sean McConnell - 2023 - Polis 40 (2):304-328.
    In the proposed law-code in De legibus there is a law that votes are to be known by the best citizens (the optimates) but free to the common people (the plebs) (3.10). This law, Cicero claims, grants ‘the appearance of liberty’ (libertatis species), preserves the authority (auctoritas) of the optimates, and promotes harmony between the classes (3.39). The law and the precise meaning of libertatis species remain opaque even with the lengthy commentary (3.33–39), and much scholarly debate and discussion has (...)
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    Philosophical Life in Cicero's Letters.Sean McConnell - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Cicero's letters are saturated with learned philosophical allusions and arguments. This innovative study shows just how fundamental these are for understanding Cicero's philosophical activities and for explaining the enduring interest of his ethical and political thought. Dr McConnell draws particular attention to Cicero's treatment of Plato's Seventh Letter and his views on the relationship between philosophy and politics. He also illustrates the various ways in which Cicero finds philosophy an appealing and effective mode of self-presentation and a congenial, pointed (...)
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  46. Souverains oceanographs.J. Carpine-Lancre, L. U. C. Saldanha & A. McConnell - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (6):682-682.
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    The Epicurean virtue of ΜΕΓΑΛΟΨΥΧΙΑ.Sean McConnell - 2017 - Classical Philology 112:175-199.
    The virtue of μεγαλοψυχία or greatness of soul is prominent in the works of Aristotle as well as in the Peripatetic and Stoic traditions. However, mention of μεγαλοψυχία is extremely rare in our surviving evidence for the Epicurean school. In this paper I reconstruct a viable Epicurean position on μεγαλοψυχία. I argue that the Epicureans have a distinctive account of the virtue that is compatible with their hedonist ethics, and that can also be seen as a reaction to Aristotle. I (...)
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    Whistle‐blowing.Terrance McConnell - 2003 - In R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman, A Companion to Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 570–582.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Some Examples Principal Features of Whistle‐blowing Ethical Context Issues for Individuals Issues for Organizations Issues for Society Conclusion.
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  49. Cicero on the emotions and the soul.Sean McConnell - 2021 - In Jed W. Atkins & Thomas Bénatouïl, The Cambridge Companion to Cicero's Philosophy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 150–165.
    This chapter provides a critical account of Cicero’s discussion of the nature of the soul and the emotions in the Tusculan Disputations. The first two sections trace the key steps of Cicero’s argumentation, as he critically evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of various competing views in the Greek philosophical tradition. Cicero ultimately purports to favor Plato’s position on the immortality of the soul and the Stoics’ cognitivist account of the emotions. The final section draws attention to the ways in which (...)
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    Philosophical role-playing in Cicero's letters to Paetus, 46 BC.Sean McConnell - 2022 - Antichthon 56:121–139.
    In his letters to Lucius Papirius Paetus from 46 BC Cicero provides striking reports on his thoughts and activities as he seeks to accommodate himself to the new political realities following Caesar’s decisive victory over the republican forces in Africa. In these letters Cicero also engages in a kind of performative role-playing: he casts himself variously as a teacher of oratory to two of Caesar’s close associates (Hirtius and Dolabella), as a bon vivant immersed in the Caesarian social scene, and (...)
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